Solutions Limited

Offering Market Needs
Kban is a privately owned startup company founded in 2018 by a group of friends from different countries, who have become alike a family very fast. We focus on playing a pioneering role in providing innovative solutions in the space of digital services, and in area of Value Added Services. We are passionate on providing State of the Art Solutions and we pride ourselves in creativity.

Our Products
The word biorhythm is a compound of two Greek words, bios and rhythmos, which mean life and a constant or periodic beat. The theory of biorhythms defines and measures three basic and important life cycles in man: the physical, emotional, and intellectual (Mental).

This method defines that this cycles start from the very first day of birth. Each cycle lasts for specific period and Increases to the maximum point (first quarter) and then declines to zero (third quarter). End of the cycle is the middle point again.
Audio Book Platform (AVANO)
AVANO is an AOD platform, giving users access to a variety of audio content. You can listen to audiobooks and enjoy podcasts.

Adopted Content
Reverse Auction
The concept of this service is a kind of auction known as the Reverse Auction or Lowest Unique Bid (LUB). Unlike the usual auction that a winner is a person who offers the highest price, in LUB the one who offers the lowest unique price wins.